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Bear Creek River Mile 19.0

Lynn Newbry Park

Restoring natural stream processes in Bear Creek by improving fire-damaged floodplain and side channel connectivity.


Restoration Objectives


Acres of riparian rehabilitation


Strategic large wood placement locations


Miles of secondary channel enhancement 




Tours & Volunteer Opportunities

This fall and winter, we will have several opportunities for you to get involved and learn about the project. We hosted two tours this fall, and we will host additional tours (dates tbd) this spring. Space is limited for tours, so click below to RSVP and learn more. We will also have volunteer opportunities to help with willow staking in January/February!


Read the latest... published a story about the project in early October!




Protect Infrastructure

This project will help prevent erosion, stabilize the streambank, and protect infrastructure through riparian rehabilitation and large wood placement, which will help protect the infrastructure of Lynn Newbry Park and the Bear Creek Greenway, a main transportation corridor and recreation resource. 




More from the Bear Creek Watershed

Listen to Project Manager, John Speece, and Community Engagement Project Manager, Beth Boos, discuss the project.

Safeguard Drinking Water

Bear Creek and the Greenway that runs
along it, connect the communities of Ashland, Talent, Phoenix, and Medford, before joining the Rogue River near Central Point. Downstream communities, like Rogue River and Grants Pass, provide drinking water straight from the Rogue River to more than 10,000 Rogue Basin community members. This restoration project will help improve the quality of water.

Restore Habitat

Bear Creek's Streamside areas are dominated by non-native Himalayan/Armenian blackberry thickets that outcompete native vegetation and played a large part in fueling the 2020 Almeda Fire. Through careful removal of noxious weeds and supplementary plantings, this project will help improve the condition of the native floodplain forest plant community. A healthy floodplain forest along Bear Creek would provide food and habitat for wildlife, shade for the stream, and decreased wildfire fuels.

Project Timeline

RRWC restoration biologists and project partners take substantial time and effort to ensure that our restoration projects have the best possible opportunity to succeed. This process takes years and involves multiple stages including planning, outreach, construction, and monitoring. 

Project timelines are tailored to project objectives, funding availability, and restoration needs. Check out the timeline for Bear Creek RM 19.0 to the right!

Project timeline graphic
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