Your support makes a difference
The Rogue River Watershed Council volunteer board of directors and hard-working staff strive to make sure donations and grants go directly to programs important to the economy and ecology of our region.
Informing community members about the importance of healthy watersheds
Improving the quality of water flowing through our rivers and streams used as a source of drinking water for many cities and irrigation water for most farms
Increasing the abundance and productivity of native fish like Chinook salmon, coho salmon, steelhead, cutthroat trout, and Pacific lamprey
Other Ways to Support RRWC
Purchase River Collective Co. stickers at participating local businesses. Rogue River Watershed Council receives 20% of the proceeds. Check out the participating businesses using the link below.
Program details
Link your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to the Rogue River Watershed Council #83239. Every time you shop, Fred Meyer donates to our cause.
Program details

Recycle with Bottle Drop and donate through your existing Bottle Drop account or pick up blue fundraiser bags at the RRWC office.
Become a
Celebrate the Rogue! Sponsor
Each spring we have our annual fundraising event, Celebrate the Rogue! We depend upon the support of businesses and individuals in the form of sponsorships to further the impact of our restoration. Click the button below to learn how you can become a sponsor!