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What can YOU do on Earth Day?

Beth Boos

Earth Day began in 1970 to raise awareness about the degradation of the environment. This event continued the momentum of addressing environmental issues with the public and the government, including establishing the Environmental Protection Agency and passing new legislation. In 2016, the United Nations signed the Paris Agreement on Earth Day with 196 parties committing to reduce their emissions and work together to adapt to the impacts of climate change. This year, the focus on Earth Day is Planet vs. Plastics. You can find details, quizzes, and more information on

Photo Credit: Open Rivers Fund

Although we encourage you to celebrate the Earth every day, we also love carving out a day to recognize the importance of keeping our world clean and safe for all life. We compiled a list of some of the activities going on around the Rogue Valley to celebrate Earth Day this year. We wanted to share this resource early (before Earth Day) to give you the opportunity to attend these events. Share this information with friends, family, and colleagues to support worldwide efforts on and before April 22, 2024.

What events are going on in the Rogue Valley?

  • Southern Oregon University is hosting Rogue Earth Day on April 19th with exhibits (including free admission to ScienceWorks), live performances, bike rodeo, art, food trucks, and more. Event Details

  • Join the Bear Creek Stewards April 20th to help clean up Bear Creek. Register Here!

  • Earth Day at Blue Heron Park April 20th 12:00 - 4:00 pm focused on what the public can do to foster the goals of EARTHDAY.ORG, a global organization working in countries around the world to drive meaningful action for our planet.

  • Earth Day Celebration with Central Point Parks & Recreation on April 22nd at Twin Creeks Park. Details Here



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