Little Butte Creek is one of five creeks included in the Upper Rogue Coho Salmon Strategic Action Plan, with many proposed restoration actions proposed for its south fork.

Last November, in partnership with Jackson Soil & Water Conservation District – we hosted an open house at the Lake Creek Grange to let local landowners know about opportunities for improving conditions in and along the creek and implementing new agricultural management practices. Several landowners, who collectively own property along more than a mile of South Fork Little Butte, expressed interest in implementing projects. After multiple visits and conversations with the landowners to develop project designs, we are now seeking funding to implement the first of many ecological restoration projects in this focal watershed. Within the next several years, at least another six miles of stream will be included in restoration efforts as additional landowners have also expressed a desire to become involved.
Our focus in South Fork Little Butte Creek is on improving water quality, stream processes, and aquatic and terrestrial habitats, which build resilient and robust native fish and wildlife populations. The restoration actions will consist of riparian forest rehabilitation on 18.6 acres, large wood placement at 20 locations, reactivation of 1,100 feet of side-channel, and construction of 3,360 feet of livestock exclusion fencing. We plan to start implementing the project this coming fall.